1.13% W + 0.506ppm Au + 0.202% Cu (magnetite skarn) OREAS 700 - 500g

CAD$115.00 each

OREAS 700 was prepared from skarn tungsten-magnetite ore from the White Rock W-Sn deposit (also known as the Rye Park mine and is located in southern-central NSW, Australia) with the addition of a minor quantity of Cu-Au concentrate. The skarn mineralisation at White Rock is hosted in flat-lying magnetite lenses within interbedded Silurian dacitic volcaniclastics with minor limestone (Hawkins Volcanics), immediately adjacent to a Late Silurian age greisenised granite intrusive (Rye Park Granite).
These lithological units lie regionally within the Eastern Subprovince of the Lachlan Orogen and adjacent to the Frogmore Fault Zone. Skarn mineralisation occurs in lenses up to 12m in thickness and is best developed within the limestone units. Tungsten minerals include ferberite (FeWO4) with lesser scheelite (CaWO4) and these occur with very minor, variable amounts of pyrrhotite, pyrite, cassiterite, molybdenite, chalcopyrite and sphalerite within massive magnetite. Gangue minerals include hedenbergite, andradite, grossular, hornblende, actinolite, feldspar, quartz, epidote, biotite and fluorite.
Twenty three commercial analytical laboratories participated in the program to certify the 105 analytes reported in Table 1. The following methods were employed:
- Gold via 25-40g fire assay with AAS (10 labs) or ICP-OES (2 labs) finish
- Instrumental neutron activation analysis for Au on 1g subsamples to confirm homogeneity (1 laboratory)
- Borate fusion XRF for full elemental suite (up to 15 laboratories)
- Loss on ignition (LOI) at 1000°C (10 laboratories)
- Four acid digestion for full elemental suite ICP-OES and ICP-MS (12 laboratories; with the exception of Cu and Sn - 13 laboratories)
- Gold via 15-50g aqua regia digestion with ICP-MS (6 labs), AAS (4 labs) finish
- Aqua regia digestion for full elemental suite ICP-OES and ICP-MS (12 laboratories)
- FeO via acid digestion with titrimetric finish (12 laboratories)
- Mass recovered via Davis tube recovery (10 laboratories)
- Fe3O4 via Satmagan (10 laboratories).
 OREAS 700 is a SuperCRM®
 CRM Code Principle Certified Values State Matrix Mineralization
 OREAS 700 W 1.13% Au 0.506ppm Cu 0.202% primary magnetite skarn skarn

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